Hello, everyone!
I can't believe my first NaNoWriMo is finally done! This was my first time participating in this event and I was incredibly nervous about it! Fifty thousand words is a lot of words and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to finish it. There were some days where I couldn't bring myself to write anything at all and those days left me feeling incredibly guilty and unproductive.
There were many headache days and days I spent looking at my monitor, stuck in my current scene in my manuscript, unable to move on.
But I managed to not only complete it, but surpass the 50k goal as well! My final word count is 60,007 words. Unfortunately, I am no where near finishing the entire novel (any guess to what it is?) but hopefully I'll finish it in December.
Overall, while it was stressful, I enjoyed participating in NaNoWriMo and would do so again next year. It was so nice to go something with other writers and know that we are all working towards the same goal.
I can't wait to have more updates for you guys as this WIP progresses!
Much love,