Hello! Hi! Hello!
Rose here! I am pleased to announce that I am finally done with editing! Yay!! My wonderful editor sent my manuscript back this morning and I have spent all afternoon and evening going through all of her (thousands) of edits. It was definitely an exhausting process. I can barely keep my eyes open as I write this post. >-<
The story will definitely have to be reread one or two more times just to make sure, but it's done for the most part!
I also wrote the front and back material, the few different sections that go in front and behind the actual story. I decided to add a glossary of sorts, just to make sure any non kpop fans don't get lost when reading Mytho.
Next is the book cover. I should have the first proof by tomorrow, so hopefully the cover will be finalized before December. I can't wait to share everything with you guys!
Thank you all for waiting! I hope you're blown away once it releases!
I'll keep the updates coming!
Much love and happy holidays!
Whysteria Rose x